Metainformationen zur Seite

WRAP plugin test page

Spalte 1

Spalte 2

Spalte 1

Spalte 2

Spalte 3

box plugin test page


a title

the box contents

'let us start a quote and not finish it.

Boxed & titled

this isn't also boxed

using hex colours

lorem ipsum dolor …

using rgb colours

lorem ipsum dolor …

This is a test of the box using named color rgb colors and I want a border but don't know how to add one. There, it's done… but what colors are available?

Oh, I see now (I read the docs) and everything is ok.

The bottom credits goes here (if only I could align this right)

this is also boxed

boxed & captioned

as is this

title with formatting, a link and rounded corners :-)

boxes can also contain markup…
  • a list
  • of several
  • items
<div class='box'>
  <b class='xtop'><b class='xb1'></b><b class='xb2'></b><b class='xb3'></b><b class='xb4'></b></b>
  <div class='xbox'>
    <p class='box_title'>Title text would go here</p>
    <div class='box_content'>
      <p>Including this html snippet of a box</p>
      <p>All those &lt;b&gt; tags handle the rounded corners</p>
  <b class='xbottom'><b class='xb4'></b><b class='xb3'></b><b class='xb2'></b><b class='xb1'></b></b>

=== headings aren't allowed in boxes ===

but tables are

and plugins … ; definition : list : list : list

and a link

Wow, a lot of stuff


a box to match the default dokuwiki colour scheme

Example box

to test what is possible: NICE PLUGIN: You can
  • make Lists
  • other markup
  • set the color of the box

looks good?


red box, 80% wide, with a title
this is a blue box
this is a blue box


blue box with a title


a wide green box
and an orange box

title teste


title test


title teste


title test


Is the colour wrong?

this is also boxed

title test

testing 123456 gagagaga gaggagagaga gaagagagag agagagag agaga gaagagaga gagagagag agagaggag agagaga gag agag

Simple box with rounded edges and title

I wonder what uses I could find for a box…
  • I will have to check this out
  • tomorrow
  • on my wiki
But can there be a box inside of a box?

Yes! there can!

Simple box with rounded edges and no title But with some „code“, not really code, but just code layout
  * I will have to check this out
  * tomorrow
  * on my wiki
Same thing on the right handside But with some „code“, not really code, but just code layout
  * I will have to check this out
  * tomorrow
  * on my wiki


This is a right-hand side box with a picture and caption.

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Fake Headline

kjsklfjkl jklsdjfkl jksjdfklj slkfjkl jklfjsdlkd jklsfjkl jsklfj klsjkflj klsdfjkljfkl jsdklfjklsdj lkdsjfklj f jkfjksd jfkjsk jsdkfj kjsfkj ksdjfk. sd hajsdh jdhajssdhj adh jahdj hjhd addh dasjdh asdjhj hjsd hsueer yrueyr ruyeu uru hjfheruy e yruy uer u uyuryuy uyer uery. sd hajsdh jdhajssdhj adh jahdj hjhd addh dasjdh asdjhj hjsd hsueer yrueyr ruyeu uru hjfheruy e yruy uer u uyuryuy uyer uery. sd hajsdh jdhajssdhj adh jahdj hjhd addh dasjdh asdjhj hjsd hsueer yrueyr ruyeu uru hjfheruy e yruy uer u uyuryuy uyer uery. sd hajsdh jdhajssdhj adh jahdj hjhd addh dasjdh asdjhj hjsd hsueer yrueyr ruyeu uru hjfheruy e yruy uer u uyuryuy uyer uery. sd hajsdh jdhajssdhj adh jahdj hjhd addh dasjdh asdjhj hjsd hsueer yrueyr ruyeu uru hjfheruy e yruy uer u uyuryuy uyer uery. sd hajsdh jdhajssdhj adh jahdj hjhd addh dasjdh asdjhj hjsd hsueer yrueyr ruyeu uru hjfheruy e yruy uer u uyuryuy uyer uery. sd hajsdh jdhajssdhj adh jahdj hjhd addh dasjdh asdjhj hjsd hsueer yrueyr ruyeu uru hjfheruy e yruy uer u uyuryuy uyer uery. sd hajsdh jdhajssdhj adh jahdj hjhd addh dasjdh asdjhj hjsd hsueer yrueyr ruyeu uru hjfheruy e yruy uer u uyuryuy uyer uery. sd hajsdh jdhajssdhj adh jahdj hjhd addh dasjdh asdjhj hjsd hsueer yrueyr ruyeu uru hjfheruy e yruy uer u uyuryuy uyer uery. sd hajsdh jdhajssdhj adh jahdj hjhd addh dasjdh asdjhj hjsd hsueer yrueyr ruyeu uru hjfheruy e yruy uer u uyuryuy uyer uery. sd hajsdh jdhajssdhj adh jahdj hjhd addh dasjdh asdjhj hjsd hsueer yrueyr ruyeu uru hjfheruy e yruy uer u uyuryuy uyer uery.